Symbols and Pennant Streamers

Aside from the usual all-seeing eye, and the gold trimming and braided rope around the edges of banners and pennant streamers, fraternities have come up with other designs which set them apart from others having the same kind of motif. Another common design for fraternities would include their three-letter combination of Greek letters to represent the specific brotherhood of a frat house. Some fraternity members wear their symbols wherever they go, worn on things such as rings, shirts, watches, bags, notebooks, and so much more. The idea behind these symbols is the pride and distinct identity to which they proudly carry among the others in society.

This idea of pride also carries on to the schools, colleges, and universities. The same set of logos, name, and school colors grace the overall design of flags, banners, pennant streamers, and other identifiers for that particular school. Some have even partnered their school’s symbol and name with things found in nature that denote aggressiveness and action such as predatory animals or descriptive elements in nature. These are usually done for interschool competition and the like.

Even commercial and industrial ventures make good use of these symbols on their flags and pennant streamers. Shipping lines are a great example for this. Each ship belonging to a country would be flying the national flag to which they are affiliated, those in specific companies also fly another pennant streamer of their company name and logo, as well as the ship’s name, so that whoever they come across with, they are known and distinguished.

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