The best way to clean a custom banner is to look for a flat surface or table then lay it out fully. Make sure that surface is clean. Next, get mild dishwashing liquid and lukewarm water. These will be useful in rinsing the material. Avoid using petroleum-based cleaners and other strong detergents. Each side of the material must be cleaned and dried before you roll and store. Look for moist-free space where you can tuck the material well. After drying the banner, roll it with the image on the outer side. This will keep it from cracking.
Also, avoid rolling the custom banner very tightly or loosely. Allow it some room to breathe properly. Otherwise, you risk warping the material which leads to wrinkles and cracks. You will find that placing the rolled material horizontally will enhance its lifespan instead of letting it stand vertically on one end. Put it in the same box or container when you first bought it when storing.
When using corrugated plastic signs, know their features first. These are twin-walled plastic sheets that have flutes or corrugations in the middle to stay rigid. The walls will absorb the inks well using a four-stage approach.
When maintaining the signs, you have to use soap and warm water on the inked parts to take out dirt. The non-inked parts will do well with basic ammonia-based cleaners and other materials. You should try the approach on other signs first or do a trial to avoid damaging the main material.